To join Material Advantage Rice Chapter, sign up here to be on the listserv.
To be a member of the National Material Advantage society, click here.
Note: Member fees are $30 annually. However you will get a $5 rebate from Material Advantage Rice Chapter.
Material Advantage Membership Benefits:
- Members will receive three issues of each of the four partners’ major publications, mailed on a rotating schedule: The American Ceramic Society’s Bulletin, Iron & Steel Technology, Advanced Materials & Processes® (including ASM News) and JOM.
- Magazine rotation is as follows:
- ACerS: January, June and September
- AIST: April, August and October
- ASM: March, May and November
- TMS: February, July and December
- Receive access to the member websites of The American Ceramic Society, Association for Iron & Steel Technology, ASM International and TMS. This tool will provide access to membership directories, online versions of The American Ceramic Society’s Bulletin, Iron & Steel Technology, Advanced Materials & Processes, JOM and many other resources.
- Qualify for Room Monitor positions at society meetings to help defray the costs of attending
- Receive free access to ACerS’ ceramicSOURCE products/services and company directory, ASM’s Desk Editions, and the PE Study Guide.
- Free access to AIST’s and
- Qualify for discounted registration fees to ACerS, AIST, ASM and TMS sponsored meetings and short courses.
- Qualify for discounted pricing on books, papers, CDs, software, videos, and more.
- Receive free electronic access to TMS archival journals Metallurgical and Materials Transactions (A and B) and Journal of Electrical Materials (JEM), and qualify for discounts on print subscriptions.
- Access to a variety of scholarships and awards plus the eligibility to compete in a number of society-sponsored contests.
- Place position-wanted ads in Advanced Materials and Processes for a minimal charge.
- Free use of the Linda Hall Library, the largest technical library in the world.
- Apply for an ASM Visa card through MBNA.
- Subscribe to insurance at a low member rate through ASM.
- Subscribe to Business Week at a low subscription rate.
- Magazine rotation is as follows:
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